Wednesday, February 17, 2010

O.k. For The Price Okay...i Really Want The IPhone, But My Parents Still Need A Little Convincing...?

Okay...i really want the iPhone, but my parents still need a little convincing...? - o.k. for the price

I offered to pay for everything! and told me they did not pay for the high price OK

All Internet access is also a problem ... but I'm a bad boy, and promised that he would not use the Internet, go to inappropriate websites ... Is there a way I could get the phone without a data plan? I think my parents feel a little better ...

And please ... I would, however, if they gave me advice that does not agree with them ... "Believe me ... I've tried. It does not work that way. Straighten me and not believe my parents usually work rewards for the school.

In addition, my parents told me it easier for them to get what I want when I do my homework to cheerfully I asked for the first time ... I'm this religion, and not yet seen the results in my favor ... Do you think that the work really pays solved?

Let me know if you have any advice to convince my parents about it, ...


ishirkwo... said...

The bad news is - you just have to wait a while. Their parents think they are old enough for an iPhone. You lose your breath.

The good news is that - you look older and more mature every day. Ask your parents what age do think it is necessary to get the iPhone, and quit listening to your parents about it. Wait at least six months. Then you ask again, mention that you can not answer for six months and you have grown older.

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